Automatica 2016

F&P was at the Automatica from 21 – 24 June 2016 in Munich.
We presented P-Rob on our booth where it performed an industrial robotics application and additionally at the Service Robotics Demonstration Park P-Rob performed medical assistant tasks.

The Automatica 2016 exhibition was a great success for F&P Robotics with hundreds of interesting and exciting contacts. Several projects were discussed where P-Rob could be deploped and commercial collaborations were kicked off.

Main Booth

F&P’s newest development was presented on the booth; a P-Rob with sensitive skin stopped its motions few centimeters before touching the visitors. This feature will have great success, since the security aspects of collaborative robotics will be doubtless enhanced, thus avoiding collisions between operators working close to P-Rob and the robot itself.

Most of the visitors at F&P’s booth stated that P-Rob, with its colorful soft leather cover, is indeed very attractive and co-workers will easily accept this robot as reliable assistant in handling, assembling and inspection tasks.

Service Robotic Demonstration Park

On the Service Robotics Demonstration Park, F&P showed a mobile application, consisting of a P-Rob installed on a mobile platform (AGV) carrying out laboratory tasks, e.g. assisting a nurse in her laboratory analysis.

Due to its perception of the surrounding with 12 ultrasound sensors, the mobile manipulator could move safely within the laboratory and treatment area.

Service Robotics Demonstration Park 2

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