
Care Robotics - Intelligent service robots designed to assist care professionals

Lio – More time for human care

Lio, the mobile assistive robot with a functional gripper arm, supports people in their everyday life and reduces the workload of the care staff. By entertaining the patient or resident and keeping them active, Lio contributes to improving their quality of life. In addition, by taking on routine tasks, Lio allows the care staff to have more time to devote themselves to their patients or residents.

Robotic Solutions for Care Institutions

Delivery Services and Guidance

Distribute items within a station, ward or floor and accompany people in the institution.


  • Reduce waiting time to distribute items
  • Avoid mistakes and offer support to personnel
  • Increase independence of residents and patients
  • Release personnel from repetitive task (up to 4h per day)
Activation and Wellbeing

Bringing health and fun to residents and patients through active interaction, mental and physical exercises and individual entertainment.


  • Use free time efficiently to increase cognitive & physical health
  • Residents & patients feel entertained by a friendly companion
  • People enjoying to receive attention feel more valued
  • Increase independence of residents and patients
  • Reduce workload for personnel (up to 2h per day)

Beverage Distribution and Reminding of Activities

Regular and autonomous reminding of activities and appointments, beverage distribution and consumption recording.


  • Avoid dehydration
  • Engage and motivate to be active
  • Increase independence of residents and patients
  • Reduce waiting times
  • Release personnel from repetitive task (up to 3h per day)
Health and Safety

Patrol service during nighttime to recognize unusual activitiy and health related suggestions.


  • Increase wellbeing of residents and patients
  • Recognition of dangerous situations and alert of personnel
  • Recognize atypical activities
  • Lower risk of accidents
  • Reduce workload for personnel (up to 4h per day)

Please note: The functions can be adapted to your individual needs.


Lio is a human-friendly mobile robot designed to help and support people. Lio can be used in a variety of places – nursing homes, rehabilitation and geriatric centers and at home. He is able to communicate with people, entertain them and support healthcare professionals in their daily tasks.



Lio – Professional Personal Robot

Discover Lio – Your Personal Robot

Lio is a friendly mobile personal robot with a multifunctional arm. He is able to communicate with people, entertain them and support healthcare professionals in their daily tasks. Lio can be used in a variety of places – nursing and geriatric institutions, rehabilitation centres or at home.

State-of-the-art technologies are used in such a way that Lio is helpful as well as liked and accepted by people. He is easy to use and can be connected to multiple smart devices.


Personal robot Lio delivering candies
Recognising and greeting people, identifying objects
Personal robot Lio delivering post
Showing active tasks and duties
Personal robot Lio charging autonomously
Autonomous navigation, driving and charging
Personal robot Lio delivering lab tests
Autonomous grasping and transportation of items
Personal robot Lio interacts by touch and voice
Interaction by touch and voice
Personal robot Lio dancing
Numerous entertainment functions

Lio loves to learn! Our development team is happy to teach him the skills that enables Lio to solve institution-specific problems.


Experience Day

Experience day with Personal robot Lio Visit F&P Robotics headquarters in Zurich and learn more about the capabilities of professional personal robots as well as the opportunities and challenges of robotic applications in care.

F&P Robotics Academy

Assistant robot Lio presents himself
Invite experts from F&P Robotics to visit your institution and share experience about professional personal robotics. F&P Robotics also offer consulting services in order to achieve best results in development of future technology.


Care robot Lio gives a speech
Do you plan the event about opportunities and challenges in care industry? Do you want to learn more about current possibilities and limitations of care robots? We are happy to share our experiences while adjusting the topic of presentation to the specific needs.

Assistant robot Lio entertaining people
Sharing of the Experience

F&P Robotics is a leading expert in care robotics. As one of the first companies worldwide, we have built up practical knowledge and experience regarding the use of robots in care institutions.

We are happy to share this knowledge via experience days at our office, consulting at your care institution or speeches at events and trade shows.

Customer Service

Having a professional personal robot in the house might be a new experience for you, your team and your residents. F&P Robotics provides close support and service to make it a positive experience.

F&P Robotics offer:

  • Staff and residents information and training
  • Evaluations and user experience reports
  • Data protection templates
  • Financing options
  • Installation and customisation
  • Technical support and service
Personal robot Lio together with his colleagues from F&P Robotics

Do you have any questions? Would you like to get more information about Lio?

Our team is happy to assist you. Contact us now.

Contact Us


Caritasverband Konstanz

Sozialstiftung Bamberg

Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie, Berlin

Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht

KZU Kompetenzzentrum Pflege und Gesundheit, Zurich

Diakoniestiftung Alt-Hamburg

Download the flyer

A summary of the most important information can be found on the Lio product flyer!
Lio Flyer

Technical Specifications Lio

To download the technical specifications for Lio, please fill out the form. The download link will be sent to you.

    Sales Partner



    Auforum AG
    Im Steinenmüller 2
    4142 Münchenstein
    Tel. Zentrale +41 61 411 24 24
    Tel. Direkt +41 61 416 84 28

    F&P Robotics AG
    Rohrstrasse 36
    8152 Glattbrugg
    T +41 44 515 95 20



    Ostertag DeTeWe GmbH
    Schlattgrabenstr. 13
    72141 Walddorfhäslach
    +49 800 3868 100



    F&P Robotics AG
    Rohrstrasse 36
    8152 Glattbrugg
    T +41 44 515 95 20

    Become part of our global network! Please get in touch to become distributor or integrator of Lio.


    Lio News

    Conversational AI in Lio

    The partnership between Idiap and F&P Robotics is pioneering the integration of advanced conversational AI into Lio, an assistive healthcare robot, through two innovative projects. The LioGPT project leverages large language models for natural voice interactions, aiming to significantly improve patient engagement through nuanced dialogues tailored to individual needs and preferences.

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    Webinar – Bridge R&D and Healthcare

    Webinar - Bridge R&D and Healthcare

    As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the pronounced workforce shortages in healthcare became glaringly apparent to the public. In response, it is increasingly clear that mobile robots are emerging as indispensable tools in the future. However, what exactly are these applications to tackle healthcare challenges? Moreover, beyond workforce shortages, what are the key challenges faced by healthcare facilities today? How can your research initiatives translate into valuable applications and solutions for real-world healthcare issues?

    Join us and our guest speakers from Swiss healthcare institution @Zihlschlacht and top research institutions @IDIAP as we showcase how mobile robots can guide R&D professionals in addressing real-world healthcare challenges. Discover the powerful synergy between Research & Development and the Healthcare industry in this engaging webinar.

    Time: 15:00 – 16:00 pm, November 23 (Thursday), 2023

    Just taking 10s to register via the link below, don’t miss this chance to shape the future of healthcare together. We will update you with the webinar participation link three days before the webinar.


    SocietyByte: How Lio, the Swiss assistive robot, supports care staff

    SocietyByte Science magazine of the Bern University of Applied Sciences
    Robots can take over repetitive and monotonous tasks in the care of sick and elderly people and thus relieve the nursing staff. A Zurich-based company has developed the mobile assistant Lio. In an interview, CEO and company co-founder Michael Früh describes what Lio can already do, what it will be able to do in the future and why it cannot replace humans.
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