ALS – Day Care

Last week CFO and deputy general manager of F&P Robotics Michael Früh gave a lecture on the ALS day (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in Regensdorf.

ALS is a rather rare disease, but there are about 2-3 new cases per 100,000 people annually. ALS is a rapidly progressing, degenerative disease of the central and peripheral nervous system. People affected by the disease continuously lose muscular tissue on the arms and legs. Ability to speak, chew and swallow food eventually is weakened. Even in the early stages of the disease, patients have more and more trouble coping with their everyday lives and are dependent on help. A care assistant robot Lio can help ALS patients to cope with their everyday life and become more independent. Lio can assist people by bringing items to bed, holding doors open for easier passage and helping to stay hydrated by reminding them to drink and handling opened bottle of water. Most ALS patients have to be assisted at home by their relatives. This is a great challenge for the relatives. Lio can support them by assisting in repetitive daily tasks. Professional personal assistant robot Lio is available 24 hours a day and can be beneficial not only for ALS patients, but also for people with reduced mobility.

The ALC Day Care event was a very interesting experience for F&P Robotics. Most visitors had never seen a care robot before and were happy to meet one now. We were happy to get a very positive feedback from the experts.